Thursday, November 28, 2019

A Comparison of Freud and Fromm essays

A Comparison of Freud and Fromm essays Sigmund Freud was born in Monrovia on May 6,1856. He entered the University of Vienna in 1873 at the age of 17. He finished his degree in 1881. Freud died in England in 1939. He was an active therapist, theorist and writer to the very end. ( Ewen 19-20) Erich Fromm was born four years after Freud in 1900 in Frankfurt, Germany. Unlike Freud, Fromm had no medical training in his background. He received his PHD from the University of Heidelberg and later studied at Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute. Erich Fromm died March 16, 1980 in Switzerland. (Ewen 187) While Freud and Fromm were contemporaries and shared some basic beliefs, their approach to most issues varied greatly. Freuds attitude was purely scientific. Fromm desired to humanize things. Fromm accepted the importance of unconscious, biological drives, repression and defense mechanisms, but rejected Freuds theory of id, ego and superego. Fromm did not believe in specific developmental stages. He believed that the growing child slowly learns to distinguish between I and not I, through contact with the environment, notably those involving the parents.(Ewen 194) Fromm contends that personality development continues into adulthood. He believes that if a child keeps up with the increasing feelings of isolation, that anxiety can be kept to a minimal and personality development proceeds normally. Freuds well-known theory is that the personality is determined during the first five years of life. He believes we proceed through a series of psychosexual stages: oral, anal, urethral, phallic, a latency period and genital. Freud contends that the genital stage is the goal of normal development and that it represents true maturity. ( Hansen 25-26) Fromm warns against pathogenic behavior because it can damage the childs sense of reliance. He believed healthy pers...

Monday, November 25, 2019

Maths Statistic Coursework Essay Example

Maths Statistic Coursework Essay Example Maths Statistic Coursework Essay Maths Statistic Coursework Essay I have been given the task of finding what affects the price of a used car, using a spreadsheet given to me displaying data on a hundred cars with data on about each car. The data on the cars were: (See Spreadsheet 1)Make Model Price When NewUsed Price Age ColourEngine Size Fuel Type MPGMileage Service OwnersLength of MOT Tax (Months left) Insurance GroupDoors (Amount) Style Central LockingSeats Gearbox Air ConditioningAirbagsImmediately from looking at those categories I omitted colour, fuel, service, doors, style, central locking, seats, gearbox, air conditioning and airbags. I omitted this data because it is of a low range of contains words, these would be hard to show on graphs and would show me little evidence of what affects a used car price.E.g. Colour: Cannot produce a scatter graph as it uses words.Seats: Has a range of 2-5 and would produce poor scatter graphs and would be hard to find a direct relationship on.Then from the remaining categories I picked age, insurance group , MPG, mileage and of course used price, as this is what I was investigating. It then dawned one me that I could use the depreciation price, the price when I took the used price away from the new, this perhaps could be a more accurate look at the data as some cars depreciate quicker than others. Looking further into that work I decided against it as it would take longer and time was of the essence, but this was perhaps an extension that could be added on at the end.Reasons Why* Age: Has a large range and would be interesting to see what sort of relationship there is* Insurance Group: Again a wide range.* MPG: Grouped data could be used on cumulative frequency graph and has quite a large range.* Mileage: Huge range and a definite effecter of used price but would be interesting to exactly how much.SampleI was given 100 cars but to investigate this would be very time consuming so I would have to bring that number down. In the end I chose to do a 40 car sample as it is a round number, l ower than 100 but still big enough to display a fair representation of the data supplied.Sampling MethodNow Ive decided how big I need my sample, I know have to decide how I will sample. There are two main methods random or stratified, eventually I want to try both but for now I will use a random sample. To do this I will use the random number function on my calculator.I press the random number button and a 3 decimal place number is displayed, I then picked the first 2 numbers and used this as my sampling method. If a number was repeated I ignored it and chose again.EG.Random produced number 0.311 so I chose car number 31Random produced number 0.981 so I chose car number 91Using this sampling method I chose my first group of cars. They ended up being numbers.1 2 4 5 7 8 15 16 17 18 21 22 24 26 27 31 32 35 37 38 44 51 53 63 65 67 68 70 71 73 76 77 83 86 91 95 96 97 98 98From these car numbers I made a table with all the data on the cars above thats I needed such as used price, MPG an d mileage. (See Spreadsheet 2)From this data I complied for scatter graphs on:* Age against used price* MPG against used price* Mileage against used price* Insurance group against used priceI used scatter graphs as they will display relationships between the data, which is why used price is in everyone. A scatter graph will also give me the ability to put a line of best fit in giving me the ability to predict future data.Predictions* For age I believe there will be a very strong negative correlation as the older the car gets the lower the price.* For MPG I believe there will be a weak positive correlation as the higher the MPG the higher the price but I believe it doesnt affect it that much.* For mileage I believe there will be a very strong negative correlation as the mileage increases the price will decrease.* For insurance group I believe there will be a weak negative correlation as the higher the insurance group the price will decrease but not by much.As you can see from my pred ictions I believe that mileage will affect used price the most while insurance group will affect it the least from the ones I chose.See scatter graphs 1, 2, 3 and 4.Conclusions of Random Sampling.As you can see some of my predictions were right while others werent.* Age was a big effecter of price and had quite a strong negative correlation as I predicted.* MPG again had a very strong negative correlation showing it did affect price a lot, which I predicted wrongly.* Mileage had quite a strong negative correlation but not very strong as I said. It shows mileage affects price but only to a degree by the shape of the graph it appears a curved line of best fit would suite it better but I shall leave that to that.* Insurance group did have a positive correlation and quite a strong one at that, showing as the insurance group went up so did used price.ObservationsAs you can see on all of the graphs there are pieces of data that are way of the lines of best fit and away from the rest of th e data. I purposely kept this data in as it gives me a valid reason to do another sampling method. This data can be called anomalies as they differ from the rest of the data. I could cut this data out to make the sample fairer but then it wouldnt be a true random sample.With these observations made I can say a few things of what affects used car prices but now I shall move on and use a stratified sample and see if the data is more reliable.StratifiedA stratified sample is one where all the data has been put into an order and then a then picked out. For my stratified sample I have ordered them by mileage and then grouped the mileage and picked 40% from each group. This ensures I get 40 cars again so I can evenly compare the random and stratified samples.The mileage groups were. 0-50005000-10,00010,000-20,00020,000-40,00040,000-70,00070,000-110,000With these sorted I took 40% at random from each group and ended up with this. I ensured it was random by drawing numbers out of a hat resp ective to the numbers of the car, I then noted that number and placed in back in so each time the chance of drawing a single card was equal and didnt change. If I drew the same one twice I simply ignored that, placed it back in and redrew. (See Spreadsheet 3)If actually counted there are 41 cars. As 40 and 41 are very close, rather than tamper with any results which could make them biased I simply left them.From this data I then compiled scatter graphs on them just as before.Predictions* Age, I believe that there will be a strong negative correlation as there was before but as this is supposedly a more reliable sample it should be more evident.* MPG, I believe there will be a strong negative correlation as there was before but should be more evident due to sample being more reliable.* Mileage should have a strong negative correlation due to reasons above.* Insurance group should have a strong positive correlation due to reasons mentioned above.See graphs 5,6,7 and 8.Conclusions on S tratified Sampling.As you can see some very strange results came up.* Age showed the very strong negative correlation as I said there would be.* MPG showed a strong negative correlation as well as I said.* Mileage proved very weird. The data was in two groups basically one showing high mileage and low price while the other low mileage and low price. From this I can deduce that the mileage is a limiting factor of used price.* Insurance group showed no correlation with data all over the place, show perhaps my random sample was a mishap and in fact insurance has no relationship or very little with used price.ObservationsCorrelations were generally a lot tighter showing that stratified sampling alleviates anomalous data but can provide strange results, such as mileage for example. This result however may not be wrong but in fact right and the random results were wrong. To find out this I shall become more specific and look at another way of representing data.HistogramsAfter some thought a great way of comparing two sets of data and in a visual manner would be a histogram.To make a histogram I would have to group the mileages this however was easy as I shall take the groups I did for my stratifying of the data.The mileage groups were. 0-50005000-10,00010,000-20,00020,000-40,00040,000-70,00070,000-110,000I then made a tally chart with the groups and both random and stratified data.RandomMileage GroupTallyFrequency0-500015000-10,000110,000-20,000520,000-40,0001440,000-70,0001970,000-110,0002StratifiedMileage GroupTallyFrequency0-500015000-10,000210,000-20,000420,000-40,0001140,000-70,0001870,000-110,0005Then to construct a histogram I would have to work out the frequency density to go on the horizontal axis, this is worked out by.Frequency Density = FrequencyGroup WidthSo I ended up with this.Mileage GroupFrequencyFrequency Density.0-500011/5000=0.00025000-10,00011/5000=0.000210,000-20,00055/10,000=0.000520,000-40,0001414/20,000=0.000740,000-70,0001919/30,000-0.00063 70,000-110,00022/40,000=0.00005RandomMileage GroupFrequencyFrequency Density.0-500011/5000=0.00025000-10,00011/5000=0.000210,000-20,00055/10,000=0.000520,000-40,0001414/20,000=0.000740,000-70,0001919/30,000-0.0006370,000-110,00022/40,000=0.00005StratifiedMileage GroupFrequencyFrequency Density.0-500011/5000=0.00025000-10,00011/5000=0.000210,000-20,00055/10,000=0.000520,000-40,0001414/20,000=0.000740,000-70,0001919/30,000-0.0006370,000-110,00022/40,000=0.00005Mileage GroupFrequencyFrequency Density0-500011/5000=0.00025000-10,00022/5000=0.000410,000-20,00044/10,000=0.000420,000-40,0001111/20,000=0.0005540,000-70,0001818/30,000=0.000670,000-110,00055/40,000=0.000125Predictions* I predict that the random histogram will have a much more erratic distribution of car mileage while the stratified distribution will be more of bell shape displaying the majority in the mid range with low or no extreme values displayed.I then proceeded to draw the graphs.See Graphs 9, 10 and 11Results* As seen o n the two histograms there are some slight differences. The spread of the random sample is a little more erratic and uneven than that of the more bell shaped graph the stratified data shows. From this you could deduce that the stratified sample is a more reliable source of data than a random sample.* From individual graphs you can see that the majority of the cars are around the 20,000 to 60,000 miles range in both the random and stratified samples. Standard deviation could perhaps tell me which sample is more accurate so that could be an extension to the work done.* I mentioned a bell shape graph before. By this I mean one, which slowly goes up to a peak then reduces down, with the majority of the data displayed in the middle and only some or no data displayed in the highest and lowest areas.However from the histograms I did not find any reasoning behind the weird shaped and correlated stratified scatter graph. Further investigation into this could prove interesting.Overall Conclus ionFrom all the work carried out above you can clearly see that many different things affect used car prices and some more than others. You could say that the different categories are limiting factors and a culmination of these results in the depreciation of a cars price.As a further investigation I would look into the strange scatter graph produced by my stratified mileage sample. Perhaps using standard deviation or other data representation methods I could find out why it is so peculiar. I could also look at how one category affects another such as engine size and mileage or engine size and MPG and find a relationship between those. There are many more aspects that I could of considered but however from the work Ive done there are things that are certainly clear.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Approaches and methods in language teaching Assignment

Approaches and methods in language teaching - Assignment Example It should not contain any contradicts within the material to be used. We know that an approach is unquestionable but a method is technical in its application. There can be different methods within one approach. As described by Anthony’s model (1963) an approach illustrates all the assumptions and beliefs related with language and language learning in a broader manner however, a method is a way through which one can implement the theory in a practical framework. A method also defines the methods to be used, skills to be taught, content to be analyzed and more specifically, the order in which the content should be presented. The Grammar-Translation Method : This technique was established in the 18th century. The main aim behind the development of this method was to infuse modern ways of teaching languages to school children. The method was an adoption of the techniques used by the individual learners who were studying classical languages like Greek and Latin. The method revolves around the understanding of the grammar and translating the original contents into learner’s native language. This method enabled the teachers to develop a better understanding of grammar techniques and the rules applied. This technique also differs from communicative language teaching (CLT). The main focus of the Grammar-Translation Method is to translate the words and difficult phrases for the ease of the students into their language from the language they intended to learn. The Direct Method: The Direct Method was coined in the early 20th century. It was formulated to eliminate the problems related with Grammar-Translation. The Direct Method involved the direct learning of the lessons in the target language. This method had a significant value in the learning of the target language as the form of language used for giving instructions to the students. This method is also considered viable and important in the learning programs till today. This method developed in 1920s has transformed into a more advanced method which is now known as Situational Learning Teaching. Audiolingulaism: Audiolingulaism was underpinned during 1950s and 1960s. It was formulated during the times when it was thought that learning a new language is comparable to learning new habits. Learners were emphasized on the need to learn the grammar of the new language. The main emphasize was not laid on the language rules to be followed but to respond to the situation. The students were asked to produce sentences for that particular situation. Teachers focused the students on speaking and listening of the language as compare to reading and writing. It was thought that speaking and listening are the fundamental pillars in learning a new language. Drill was the most common characteristic of an audiolingual class. It was the kind of activity in which the teacher used different prompts for the students to produce a sentence by using the proper grammatical structure. For example; Teacher : ( holding up a picture of a post office) Where’s Mary going ?, Learner : She’s going to the post office. However, today the value of drills is considered limited as such methods are found less useful for the speakers to interact with other people naturally. Presentation-Practice-Production or PPP : In this technique, a teacher creates the understanding of the new language either by playing a recorded dialogue or making the learner to read a written text. The learners are then required to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

ACS-secondary prevention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

ACS-secondary prevention - Essay Example has improved in the past 10 years. Based on solid clinical evidence and new drugs and devices, the rate of secondary M.I.’s and morbidity can be reduced substantially with proper post-M.I. medical intervention (Hinstridge 1991). Newer findings demonstrate that aggressive post-M.I. treatment can have a significant impact on morbidity and mortality, as well as improving a patient’s quality of life years. Compliance remains a major issue, both in terms of taking medications and ceasing behaviours which can contribute to secondary ACS. The special concentration of this paper will be on patients while in the cardiac unit and in the following critical weeks. This paper also deals with the role of the ACS nurse in the regional cardiac care setting. Despite the overwhelming evidence that following new, more aggressive proceedures can save lives, there is still some resistance from staff to make the changes necessary to assure that the new guidelines are followed. Recent data gathered by the British Heart Foundation has established the importance of following new, more-aggressive guidelines in the treatment of post-ACS patients in order to assure a reduced risk of secondary events. The NHS is committed to instituting new interventional techniques (both drug and angioplasty routines), and has begun a policy of installing ACS-specialised nurses in each regional heart center. The reaction of staff to this new specialty is mixed at best (Dunckley 2006). Effective implementation of new ACS procedures starts with EMT response to calls, Emergency Room staff response to patients with M. I. symptoms, and Cardiac Unit response with rapid drug and angioplasty treatment. Such changes require significant staffing and schedule modification, which can be met with resistance, despite the clear evidence that the procedures can save lives. Practical considerations also intercede, as nurses must interpret the new BHF guidelines and ensure that they are followed

Monday, November 18, 2019

Sampling assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sampling assignment - Essay Example nd-picked to constitute a team of 20 students without condition or any other consideration (be it a student of any level, of any particular gender or age). The result of the average of the sample in comparison with the population is showing a relative large deviation since the first sample is just a mere representation of the whole population constituting 20% of the whole population in general. Another aspect of the big deviation is the existence of extreme values within the first sample for instance while student ID no. 1 has zero days for being absent, the student ID no. 7 has 13 days of absenteeism. The second sample of this sampling technique is categorically picked on the basis of gender. The technique seeks to investigate the difference created as a result of the school attendance among the boy-child vis a vis the girl-child. This second sample particularly check the absenteeism rate across the whole school for the girl-child gender. The list of the 20 students randomly picked from the whole population of the 100 students are as stated in correspondence with their ID numbers and the number of days a student has been absent from school over the period. The positive deviation felt in the second sample as compared to the population average is as a result of reduction in sample space from 100 to 20 students for the sampling purposes. The average rate of absenteeism among the girls is slightly higher than the average population average, showing absenteeism is higher among girl-child in school. The third sample of this sampling technique entails the 20 boys among the 100 students population. This sample randomly picks at student from any grade, any age as long as he is a boy-child for this sampling purpose. Their ID numbers are recorded alongside their respective number of days one has been absent from school as follows: The average rate of absenteeism among the boys in the school is slightly above the average rate of absenteeism in the general population of

Friday, November 15, 2019

Speaking In Formal Academic Context English Language Essay

Speaking In Formal Academic Context English Language Essay Oral presentation is the speech or talks that being presented in front of people, for a particular topic interest. The basic component of oral presentation will be the speaker, audience, topic to be discussed, material, and time. Those combining factors will create a good presentation, but it depends on many other factors such as skills, preparation, and knowledge of the topic presenting. Nowadays, English become a global language which is extremely important. Any of the daily activities such as education, and business are using English as a medium of communication. Realizing this situation, thus Malaysian government announced that English is a second language after Bahasa Malaysia, which implies the importance of English. In academic purpose, can be said that all higher education in the Malaysia are using English in the learning process. Malaysian currently still have difficulties in learning English, thus many programs and efforts are being conducted in order to exposed more to people about English. There are some elements that we need to give an attention in preparing and organizing a successful oral presentation. Technically, oral presentation in any field consists of three mains part which is introduction, development of points, and conclusion. Introduction will always deal with preparation and planning on the topic being discussed. Development stage consists of climax of the presentation, where all the point needs to be stress in an appropriate manner. For last stage which is conclusion, it usually ends with the summary of the presentation, and question session from the audience. However, all these three main parts does not work on its own. All the elements need to be used and delivered by combination of skills, enthusiasm, efforts, and person involved. In academic purpose, oral presentation should be easily organized, and the presenter needs to have a deep knowledge about what they want to present. Presenter also should clear the purpose of the topic, and make sure that people can understand on what is being delivered. Many speakers are lack with the skills and confidence level to make an effective presentation. Feeling of stage fright, speech anxiety, or talking error is a common situation happened to the speakers especially for those who are not presenting regularly. In order to overcome the situation, all basic things in presentation also need to be carefully determined. The points like when is the presentation, how long, where is the place, what is the function, who is guest attend, and many more must be carried out before the presentation begins. All these can improve the quality of the presentation. SPEAKING IN A FORMAL ACADEMIC CONTACT A good and effective presentation definitely depend on how well it being structured. Presentation in academic purpose is actually same as other presentation, but different in certain aspect. As be mentioned before, presentation needs to have three important parts which is beginning, the middle, and the end. Beginning process always starts with an appropriate greeting to the audience. Example of greeting good morning ladies and gentlemen, is one of the greeting always being said. Beginning process also includes introducing of the speakers, to introduce who are you, from where, and the purpose of the presentation. The greeting part can be applied each time presentation, but if we are presenting to the same group of audience for many times, introducing part can be skipped. Currently, the most famous ways of presentation is by the aid of power point slide show. Thus it will be a good medium of delivery so that all points can be pointed out clearly. In academic purpose, the slide show will begin in what are the topic will covered, the objective of the subject, and also the brief outline on what the presentation will talk about. This is to make an understanding among audience and could remember certain important information. Purpose should be divided by two, which are general purpose and the specific purpose. General purpose only gives the overview, to present, to summarize, and to discuss the current topic. For specific purpose is the points that we want the audience to take away with them after listening or attending the presentation, or in other word something that really important which needs to be remember. 3.0 PREPARING AN ORAL PRESENTATION In order to have a good communication skills and effective oral presentation in academic purposes, there are some points that can be a guideline. The five key points of the successful oral presentation are as follow: Know your audience Use your voice Body language Presentation aids Practice what to be delivered. 3.1 Know Your Audience In oral communication, the most important thing is we know who our audience is. By knowing the audience, we can know what is the suitable and reasonable points should be put in our presentation. Audience in oral presentation can be a public people, students, employees, or professional team. Thus, in order to prepare this presentation, we need to suite the audience and the content of the presentation. For example, if our audience is a group of secondary student, then we can put some interactive diagram or use simple example which can attract them to listen on the presentation. This is because this type of audience is usually easy to get bored and lost their focus, which only stand for the first part of the presentation. But, if the audience is the professional group like teachers, lecturers, or government officers, the content of the presentation need to be more specific and details as they are the one who have an interest to the topic presented. The presentation need to be more academically, as they want to know details about the particular topic . Audience also consists of two types, which is active and passive audience. Active audience will always involve in the presentation, for example answering question that we ask and give their opinion or question in the middle of presentation. It will be lucky if we get active audience which makes the presentation more interesting and others will also get there information from the ask person. But in current situation for most cases of presentation, there will be hard to find audience in this type. For passive audience, they always keep silent although question or opinion being asked. However, we can change this passive audience to become an active audience. In handling passive audience, more attention need to be given, and if possible just pointed to someone and ask for their opinion about the topic being discussed. Another ways is by giving some rewards for those who standing and give their question or opinion. By this way, we encourage them be active and involved in the presentation. Other than that, we also need to know what the level of knowledge of the audience is. If we are presenting in front of people who are new in the topic, then the presentation needs to be more basic and a bit details. However, if the level of knowledge of the audience is the same or higher, then the presentation needs to be more complete and straight to the point. Thus, to know the audience before the presentation is one of the requirement and necessary. It will help a lot especially in the preparation of material for presentation to the target group. The presentation will be more effective and what we want to deliver can be presented in the most convenience way. 3.2 Use Your Voice In presentation, voice is the medium of communication between speaker and the audience. A good voice in presentation will have a variable intonation in their ways of delivery. Intonation will reflect on the points that being stress out. A loud intonation can be used in stressing on important points and fact, which is things that audience need to be carefully listen and understand. By saying loudly the points, it will attract audience and they will focus on the speakers words. Soft intonation then can be used for the points that are general, or less important. By applying soft intonation, calm condition can be created and this will give some opportunity to the audience in controlling their focus. Speaker also must know to control their voice, and make sure horizontal voice is not being used. While saying something important points, it is also encourage to stop talking for a seconds after the points. This is to create a situation to show that point stated are really important and the speaker show that by silence. However, there are a lot of technique of intonation can be used in order to catch attention, but for an academic purposes, right intonation must be correctly use to prevent lost focus by the audience. 3.3 Body Language Other than a good setup of content and voice tone, body language also plays an important role to the audience. It can communicate and deliver an important message between people which cannot be reached by other method. Body language can be seen in some ways which is: Facial expression Body posture Body gesture Eye contact Facial expression are varies according to the content of the talk. For academic purpose of presentation, the common expression by the speaker is serious expression. Actually, academic purpose is not always dealing with serious and straight expression. A good speaker knows when to apply several of facial expression in order to stress out the point. Expression like smiling, thinking, and confuse expression can create a good psychological effect to the audience. Eye contact to the audience also needs to be controlled. Speaker need to look at the audience from time to time and not looking at the presentation slide or notes in the hand. Any notes or book can be place on the table and can be use as reference, but not for most time. It is not allowed to speaker holding the notes as it shows that speaker are not ready or not sure on what being presented. It is really advisable to the speaker to move around in some radius in the stage. Speaker can move from one side to another slowly in between deliver one points to another. This is to indicate some changes on focus, and keep attention. The transition also can emphasize some points and to clear some points. Body language also is useful to overcome nervousness. While put some expression, we will not feel stress and just do like a normal speaking. In addition, body language can maintain the interest of audience, as they will see variable action and keep focusing. Body language should be natural and friendly, not pretending or force. Body posture can be setup to straight but relaxed, not too technical. Pointing by hand or pointer can be used to indicate part of explanation, in the diagram or table. Negative body language should be prevented. Action like yawning and leaning will indicate speaker is boring. Standing with hands on hips, or arm folded is defensive action and make the presentation not in the right pathway. Other than that, looking at the notes, keep looking at the screen, white board, or floor are also need to be avoided. Speaker also needs to remember to not back turned to the audience, or put a hand in the pocket. Some speaker or presenter also sometimes likes to sway like a pendulum, which is a bad habit. It becomes an annoying action to the audience. 3.4 Presentation Aids In oral presentation the delivery of our idea is one of the most important criteria during the presentation. This is because we want to make sure the audience gets what we want to say and get the basic concepts of our presentation. To make the audience and the spectator pay concentration and follow along the presentation, few different types of presentation aid should be used during the presentation. These aids will increase and gain the audience interest towards the presentation. From help of the presentation aid we are able to make sure that the audience clearly understood what we are going to deliver during the presentation. There are few different types of aid that can be used during the presentation. This aid can be in many different form and types. This is because to make sure that the audience will not get bored with our oral presentation. Among the different types of aid in presentation are the visual aid, video aid, white board and pointer. The uses of the visual aid can enhance the focus of the audiences attention, thus this will make sure that the audience will stay focus during the presentation time. Plus this will help to make our presentation more attractive. Furthermore the visual aid can be used to illustrate points in a easier manner this is because it is easier to understand in visual form but difficult in a verbal form. The visual aid also can be used to reinforce of our ideas during the some part of the presentation. Visual aid also can be used to change focus from aural that the changing the focus of the audience from the oral form into visual form. The visual aid can be very helpful in the oral presentation that involves the motivation; this is because we are able to deliver the idea more easily with the visual aid. Next visual aid also saves time this is because with the visual aid we are able to implement graphics during the presentation. Thus this will reduce the time needed for the explanation for the c ertain points during the oral presentation. This will also reduce the usage of the white board and information to be put on a board. Different types of visual that can be used to convey our ideas are the graphs, maps charts, drawings, images and objects. Avoid putting the full sentences during the presentation with using the visual aid. Next is the video aid in the oral in the oral presentation, video usually contain all the graphics and the image that can stimulate the understanding and gain the interest of the audience. Usually video will come together with the audio which can be very helpful in the brief of the presentation. Sometimes the usage of the video aid can be very helpful, because with the video we are able to understand what are being conveyed easily. Plus there are many different types of graphics that can be used to generate the interest and can make sure the audience stay tuned with the presentation. The video aid can be used for the help of speaker; this is because with the video aid we can reduce the time that is spend during the explanation of the certain points in the presentation. Furthermore the content in the presentation can be very brief and contain a lot of information that can be delivered easily to the audience and the spectators. But avoid using the heavy animation and graphics during th e video aid this is because it will cause the audience to lose the interest in the presentation and can lead to confusion. During a presentation the white boards are used to convey the idea in the simplest form. In addition the white board also is used to give some additional points that are not included in the presentation. The white board are also is used to draw the mind maps and show formulation about something. This will give time to the audience to grasp what are being presented during the oral presentation. Different color marker pens can used to convey the idea by drawing the maps and shortcuts. The usage of different color marker will enhance the memory power the audience, thus this will make sure the audience can remember the each points that are being presented. By using white board also will give extra time for the audience to jot down the important points that are being presented. But the writing of the presenter should be neat and clean this is because neat hand writing will make the audience understand what the points that is being delivered. Another important point is that avoid turning b ack to the audience when about writing on the board. The pointer is one of the important tools that is used as aid during the oral presentation. There are few different types of pointer that can be used such as the laser pointer, stick and even pen. With the usage of pointer we are able to show clearly what are the important point that are being showed in the presentation. This will enable the audience to know about the important point. The pointer also will reduce the movement of the presenter and this makes sure the presenter can present well the presentation. Thus this will also ensure they will not waste energy on walking and can make sure the presenter is comfortable during the presentation period. Apart from that this will reduce the presentation during. 3.5 Practice Points to be Delivered. Practice makes perfect. That phrase should be used in order to have a perfect presentation. For those who are use to give a speech will do not have a problem, but people who are going to present for the first time need to practice a lot. In the presentation, we need to organize and practice especially time frame, fluency of speaking English, any aids to be used, and expected question on particular topic that may be asked. Practicing in front of the mirror or friends can manage to handle with the time frame. Time management is very important in order to deliver points and know where to give more explanation. Practicing also could increase self confidence level as we are prepared on the condition and for the whole presentation. Fluency in English also needs to be alert. There are some words which have difficulties to pronouns, and jargon must be us in limited. This is because some audience will not familiar with the jargon being use, unless the jargon is commonly use and we highly confidence audience understand the phrase or jargon that we use. Question and ask session also need to be practice. The expected question need to be focus on as speaker will dont have any difficulties to answer in the real situation. Some question also need to be asked to the audience to know level of understanding on the topic presented. But do not force audience to give an answer. If possible, find any volunteer to answer the question, and this will create more convenience ways in this session. In explaining some points, rhetorical question can be asked. Rhetoric question is the question being asked without expecting it to be answer. For example, Have you ever heard about†¦, or What does this phenomena imply to us... These questions are asked just to show the problem and need self interpretation about the question. 4.0 CONCLUSION As a conclusion, making an effective oral presentation in English in academic context is not something that too heavy to done. By combining all the factors and points given, a successful presentation can be made. What needs to be focus on is the choice of topic, the way of the presentation, skills in presenting, and the content of the presentation. All this may required certain period to prepare and practice, but as efforts be given in the presentation, there will be easy on the real situation and condition. A good presentation should consist of story line, which determined what should be put in introduction, problem definition, an approach to the problem, findings of the solution, and also recommendation or suggestion to the particular topic. In addition, storyboard also could be used as it consist the same things as storyline, but all points are under the same theme. Presentation in English must be always implemented in the daily life, not only for academic purposes, but also for the other context. This is to ensure that English language can be practiced more often and increase the level of English knowledge. Before going to present, it necessary to double check all the information in the slides, finalize the data, clarity of the visual or diagram use, logical aspect of the information, and also correct English grammar being used.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Sirens of Titan :: Sirens of Titan Essays

The Sirens of Titan Marek Vit "It took us that long to realize that a purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved." (Vonnegut:220) The Sirens of Titan is Kurt Vonnegut's second novel. He has written it in 1959, seven years after his previous Player Piano. It has been described as a pure science fiction novel and, after only one reading, it really can be considered to be one. The intricate plot and fascinating detail may obscure the serious intent of the novel. If compared to other novels by this author, it makes much smoother reading because there are much fewer subplots, digressions and simultaneous developments. The storyline of Sirens of Titan is much more straightforward than in the other works (e.g. Slaughterhouse-Five, Galapagos, Hocus Pocus, Breakfast of Champions etc.) "The Sirens of Titan, for all its wonderings, futurity and concern with larger, abstract questions, transmits a greater sense of direction and concreteness. Rather surprising, too, is the fact that the novel with its science fiction orientation, with its robots and near-robot humans, and with its several central characters who are intentionally presented as being rather cold-hearted, generates more human warmth than Player Piano which is directly concerned with the agonies of exploring and following conscience, emotion and love. Three possible explanations for this fenomenon present themselves: first, Vonnegut's skill has grown in the intervening seven years; second, the science fiction mode affords the author more detachment, and he is less didactic in this work; third, the positive forces, particularly love, carry more weight." (Reed:66) The Sirens of Titan has been, as many other Vonnegut's books, influenced by his experiences from World War Two (The Fire-bombing of Dresden was a benefit just to one man, to Kurt Vonnegut. Over the years, he got five dollars for each corpse, as